Is going through the trouble of getting a web development or web design degree worth it? On one hand, it can help ensure future employers that a person is skilled, yet the web moves so fast that textbooks may be out of date. What does everyone think?
They didn't have a web design or development degree at my alma mater, so I completed a "build your own degree"-type degree in which I took all the web design & development courses the university offered. The structure & guidance I received were certainly valuable, and yet some of the classes' content itself (although certainly not all) was fairly outdated. One professor insisted on only teaching table layouts because he believed they were easier to learn than divs. I received high grades, and always gave it my all, but the classroom way of learning could be a bit restrictive compared with self-taught learning, although it may suit some people better than others. Perhaps my best class was an independent study. I chose what I wanted to learn & received guidance from a professor who knew his stuff and was excited to teach.
What do you think? Is getting a web development or design degree worth it? Do you or someone you know have a similar degree? If so, how useful do you think it was?
They didn't have a web design or development degree at my alma mater, so I completed a "build your own degree"-type degree in which I took all the web design & development courses the university offered. The structure & guidance I received were certainly valuable, and yet some of the classes' content itself (although certainly not all) was fairly outdated. One professor insisted on only teaching table layouts because he believed they were easier to learn than divs. I received high grades, and always gave it my all, but the classroom way of learning could be a bit restrictive compared with self-taught learning, although it may suit some people better than others. Perhaps my best class was an independent study. I chose what I wanted to learn & received guidance from a professor who knew his stuff and was excited to teach.
What do you think? Is getting a web development or design degree worth it? Do you or someone you know have a similar degree? If so, how useful do you think it was?