≠ Anonymize all your site external links with anonymiz.com service with ssl support
Most of the other plugins wont support ssl our anonymiz wordpress plugin support with ssl all external links with ssl and none ssl link will redirect from your wordpress site.
Webmasters can use this tool to prevent their site from appearing in the server logs of referred pages as referrer. The operators of the referred pages cannot see where their visitors come from any more.
Using the referrer removal service is quite easy:
https://www.anonymiz...www.google.com/ produces an anonymous link to google.com which prevents the original site from appearing as a referrer in the logfiles of the referred page.
== Installation ==
1. Install Anonymiz Hide Referer either via the WordPress.org plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server.
2.Upload **Anonymiz-Hide-Referer.php** to the **/wp-content/plugins/** directory
3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress admin login
4. All your external links are un-refered
= Is this free? =
Yes, this plugin and the anonymiz.com service are free to use.
plugin download link:
Download now
Most of the other plugins wont support ssl our anonymiz wordpress plugin support with ssl all external links with ssl and none ssl link will redirect from your wordpress site.
Webmasters can use this tool to prevent their site from appearing in the server logs of referred pages as referrer. The operators of the referred pages cannot see where their visitors come from any more.
Using the referrer removal service is quite easy:
https://www.anonymiz...www.google.com/ produces an anonymous link to google.com which prevents the original site from appearing as a referrer in the logfiles of the referred page.
== Installation ==
1. Install Anonymiz Hide Referer either via the WordPress.org plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server.
2.Upload **Anonymiz-Hide-Referer.php** to the **/wp-content/plugins/** directory
3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress admin login
4. All your external links are un-refered
= Is this free? =
Yes, this plugin and the anonymiz.com service are free to use.
plugin download link:
Download now