Prepare thyselves, I get carried away when typing sometimes.
I'm a newb here, as you can probably tell.
Came across Gigarank when browsing for free VPS Hosting (and registering to a fake one, rip email).
Seeing the fact that Gigarank had a forum requirement for VPS hosting made me happy.
Knowing that made me sure that this is a legitimate website and I want to be a part of it.
Though I'm not too intelligent on many coding languages, and I'm still a Web Dev Rookie, participating in many of the forums will probably not be possible as I have no clue what I'm talking about for half of them.
I'll meet the quota anyway, try to post where I can without being spammy. :P
Looking at the normal free hosting (non-VPS) I saw that you guys support Image Magick which is exactly what I was looking for too.
I had a website running a while back which is a fan-site for an avatar site (Gaiaonline).
Held information about items and I planned on making it a pet project to get more into web development and design.
I had hosting for a while on a free host but that hosts' servers wiped randomly one day and no support was to be had.
(My fault for not backing up my database, oh well. Lesson learned)
I went onto paid hosting for a year as I had a bit of money on me (temporarily, other than that - am poor.)
That ran out and I didn't have money to continue hosting so I've been looking around since for another alternative.
Maybe websites don't support Imagek/Imagemagick which I use for my Quest Bar system.
(Breif explaination: Select X item you want - put in progress currency and it's like a progress bar to that item).
It uses ImageMagick for the backend for it as it's dynamically made.
This image has a brief description and look at the questbars and other features
So finding Gigarank when looking around was like a breath of fresh air, and I hope to get my fan site rolling again.
I read the ToS and Conditions and it seems it'll be okay on them all (it's not a game itself, and isn't online).
My goal now to be honest is to meet the quota, request the free host and get my baby project back up online so people can use the questbars again, and to work on it again.
So theres me long winding sidetracked hello, and reason for being here. :P
I hope it didn't bore you too much.
Hope to be part of these forums too and improve on my own skills as a web dev and designer.
- Hazer (Harry)
Prepare thyselves, I get carried away when typing sometimes.
I'm a newb here, as you can probably tell.
Came across Gigarank when browsing for free VPS Hosting (and registering to a fake one, rip email).
Seeing the fact that Gigarank had a forum requirement for VPS hosting made me happy.
Knowing that made me sure that this is a legitimate website and I want to be a part of it.
Though I'm not too intelligent on many coding languages, and I'm still a Web Dev Rookie, participating in many of the forums will probably not be possible as I have no clue what I'm talking about for half of them.
I'll meet the quota anyway, try to post where I can without being spammy. :P
Looking at the normal free hosting (non-VPS) I saw that you guys support Image Magick which is exactly what I was looking for too.
I had a website running a while back which is a fan-site for an avatar site (Gaiaonline).
Held information about items and I planned on making it a pet project to get more into web development and design.
I had hosting for a while on a free host but that hosts' servers wiped randomly one day and no support was to be had.
(My fault for not backing up my database, oh well. Lesson learned)
I went onto paid hosting for a year as I had a bit of money on me (temporarily, other than that - am poor.)
That ran out and I didn't have money to continue hosting so I've been looking around since for another alternative.
Maybe websites don't support Imagek/Imagemagick which I use for my Quest Bar system.
(Breif explaination: Select X item you want - put in progress currency and it's like a progress bar to that item).
It uses ImageMagick for the backend for it as it's dynamically made.
This image has a brief description and look at the questbars and other features
So finding Gigarank when looking around was like a breath of fresh air, and I hope to get my fan site rolling again.
I read the ToS and Conditions and it seems it'll be okay on them all (it's not a game itself, and isn't online).
My goal now to be honest is to meet the quota, request the free host and get my baby project back up online so people can use the questbars again, and to work on it again.
So theres me long winding sidetracked hello, and reason for being here. :P
I hope it didn't bore you too much.
Hope to be part of these forums too and improve on my own skills as a web dev and designer.
- Hazer (Harry)