I wrote a simple bash script that hash a given word in some hash algorithms as: MD5, SHA, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512.
It doesn't support the hash salting, but it's usefull to compare the given hash with the hash cracker databases.
This is for increase our password security.
If you want to help me to develop this, all tips are permitted.
This is the download script: http://www..davenull.altervista.org/files/bash_scripts/wordhasher
It doesn't support the hash salting, but it's usefull to compare the given hash with the hash cracker databases.
This is for increase our password security.
If you want to help me to develop this, all tips are permitted.
This is the download script: http://www..davenull.altervista.org/files/bash_scripts/wordhasher